10 years on Steam
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Steam ID: 76561198136393704
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Last Steam Ladder Login: >2 months ago
GodFist 22 Aug 2017
Brutal.GodFist.Rekt 27 Sep 2017
Rag1hit 03 Oct 2017
MrRag1hit 16 Aug 2022
"cool guy :')"
Received from bLadie 6 Years on Steam
Received from Eliminate All Weebs! 10 Years on Steam
"+rep, good person!"
Received from Fancy Fish High Profile Value14 Years on Steam
Received from Wicctory 10 Years on Steam
"nice person"
Received from Dreamatix⁧⁧⁧VDI⁧⁧💜 High Profile Value8 Years on Steam
Received from 002 21 Years on Steam
"eziest person to deal with!! +REP"
Received from RoQz 11 Years on Steam
"a great person"
Received from deni Private Profile7 Years on Steam
Received from トビアス(Freegott) High Profile Value15 Years on Steam
Received from Eder Scariot 13 Years on Steam
"soltera y entera"
Received from Shine Private Profile5 Years on Steam
"woww nice profile"
Received from Gambler High Profile Value20 Years on Steam
Received from Kaidan Jericho Private ProfileHigh Profile Value14 Years on Steam
Received from BerufsZocker High Profile Rank12 Years on Steam
Received from Satyre™ Private Profile10 Years on Steam
"Returning the favor"
Received from Lord Crackary 9 Years on Steam
"Returning the favor"
Received from 🎃 PCExpertGaming™ 👻 14 Years on Steam
Received from Birkin=BH= Private ProfileHigh Profile Rank0 Years on Steam
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Received from Aerzhs 12 Years on Steam
"+rep +helpfull :)"
Received from SevenV7 Spotify º-º High Profile Rank17 Years on Steam
"Returning the favor!"
Received from eWOOD High Profile Value10 Years on Steam
Received from Legitti High Profile Value14 Years on Steam
"Cool Rag1hit"
Received from Ex! Private Profile12 Years on Steam
Received from LogicMist 8 Years on Steam
"To rep, is the answer you seek."
Received from Jeplar Private ProfileHigh Profile Value8 Years on Steam
"Rag1hit is a trusted trader in both steam and giftable stuff"
Received from Saito-San Private Profile11 Years on Steam
Given to Eliminate All Weebs! 10 Years on Steam
Given to Badmosi Nahi Mittar 5 Years on Steam
Given to BIGM 9 Years on Steam
"nice profile"
Given to Kraken Staff9 Years on Steam
Given to Wicctory 10 Years on Steam
Given to RENA Private Profile7 Years on Steam
"fish are friends, not food :)"
Given to Fancy Fish 14 Years on Steam
Given to 阿波罗 Private Profile4 Years on Steam
Given to UltimatumGamer 9 Years on Steam
"cool profile"
Given to Dreamatix⁧⁧⁧VDI⁧⁧💜 8 Years on Steam
Given to 002 21 Years on Steam
Given to DeeNior 10 Years on Steam
"lakad matatag! normalin normalin! best mid in dota 2 :D"
Given to RoQz 11 Years on Steam
Given to deni Private Profile7 Years on Steam
"rep up"
Given to トビアス(Freegott) 15 Years on Steam
"rep all day, rep all night"
Given to VAC_MAN 16 Years on Steam
"rep all day, rep all night"
Given to Shine Private Profile5 Years on Steam
"A rep a day, keeps the snail away, wait wut? :3"
Given to BerufsZocker 12 Years on Steam
"A rep a day, keeps the snail away, wait wut? :3"
Given to Satyre™ Private Profile10 Years on Steam
"to rep or not to rep, that always confuse me :3"
Given to TheFox 17 Years on Steam
"to rep or not to rep, that always confuse me :3"
Given to ƮeᏤoŁution 8 Years on Steam
"to rep or not to rep, that always confuse me :3"
Given to sapphire 11 Years on Steam
"To rep, or not to rep, that always confuse me :3"
Given to Lord Crackary 9 Years on Steam
"To rep, or not to rep, that always confuse me :3"
Given to Birkin=BH= Private Profile0 Years on Steam
"To rep, or not to rep, that always confuse me :3"
Given to Kaidan Jericho Private Profile14 Years on Steam
"To rep, or not to rep, that always confuse me :3"
Given to OFEN™ 7 Years on Steam
"To rep, or not to rep, that always confuse me :3"
Given to Cepeto 8 Years on Steam
"To rep, or not to rep, that always confuse me :3"
Given to Leftoz 8 Years on Steam
"To rep, or not to rep, that always confuse me :3"
Given to Duck 9 Years on Steam
"To rep, or not to rep, that always confuse me :3"
Given to Cramik 12 Years on Steam
"To rep, or not to rep, that always confuse me :3"
Given to 🎃 PCExpertGaming™ 👻 14 Years on Steam
"To rep, or not to rep, that always confuse me :3"
Given to Eder Scariot 13 Years on Steam
"To rep, or not to rep, that always confuse me :3"
Given to Aerzhs 12 Years on Steam
"To rep, or not to rep, that always confuse me :3"
Given to Private Profile15 Years on Steam
"To rep, or not to rep, that always confuse me :3"
Given to Prew 9 Years on Steam
"To rep, or not to rep, that always confuse me :3"
Given to BBMiSanty™ 7 Years on Steam
"To rep, or not to rep, that always confuse me :3"
Given to -⁧⁧Salazar 11 Years on Steam
"To rep, or not to rep, that always confuse me :3"
Given to 󠁳⁧⁧goigois1 Private Profile8 Years on Steam
"To rep, or not to rep, that always confuse me :3"
Given to FunkyPigeon 4 Years on Steam
"To rep, or not to rep, that always confuse me :3"
Given to SevenV7 Spotify º-º 17 Years on Steam
Given to Legitti 14 Years on Steam
Given to Ex! Private Profile12 Years on Steam
"In Snail we trust!"
Given to Ѵԑԑ'; DROP ALL TABLES; -- 13 Years on Steam
"In Snail we trust!"
Given to SteaмSets Guardian 6 Years on Steam
"""To rep, or not to rep, that always confuse me :3"""
Given to DACER 11 Years on Steam
"""To rep, or not to rep, that always confuse me :3"""
Given to GigoPixel 12 Years on Steam
"""To rep, or not to rep, that always confuse me :3"""
Given to Skiano 7 Years on Steam
"""To rep, or not to rep, that always confuse me :3"""
Given to MakesMeWannaFly 11 Years on Steam
"""To rep, or not to rep, that always confuse me :3"""
Given to Saito-San Private Profile11 Years on Steam
""To rep, or not to rep, that always confuse me :3""
Given to eWOOD 10 Years on Steam
""To rep, or not to rep, that always confuse me :3""
Given to Terra'Illumina 8 Years on Steam
"To rep, or not to rep, that always confuse me :3"
Given to RenegadeNine 8 Years on Steam
"To rep, or not to rep, that always confuse me :3"
Given to Munin Staff9 Years on Steam
"To rep, or not to rep, that always confuse me :3"
Given to Mickey Staff12 Years on Steam
"To rep, or not to rep, that always confuse me :3"
Given to Jeplar Private Profile8 Years on Steam
"To rep, or not to rep, that always confuse me :3"
Given to LogicMist 8 Years on Steam
"To rep, or not to rep, that always confuse me :3"
Given to HeyItzWerty Staff9 Years on Steam
"Cool website! I'm a fan!"
Given to Terry | Staff12 Years on Steam
"Legit middleman in r/Dota2Trade. Trusted!"
Given to Alias 18 Years on Steam
"Cool artworks, screenshots everytime!"
Given to Demise ♡ 10 Years on Steam
"steam artwork addiction, maybe. :D"
Given to BeeRightBack 12 Years on Steam
"Ares the god of war. What else do I have to say. :D"
Given to ΛRES 12 Years on Steam
"Watch his stream! Cool dude with skills. Very trustworthy"
Given to Sasan 神様 Private Profile12 Years on Steam
"A true friend both in the virtual and real world. I can trust this guy 100%"
Given to Mavs 12 Years on Steam