14 years on Steam
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VAC Status: OK
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Steam ID: 76561198023416824
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Last Steam Ladder Login: >2 months ago
4yBaK* 20 Aug 2017
Received from Julia92 High Profile Value12 Years on Steam
Received from Silent 5 Years on Steam
"#1 badge collector"
Received from Duck Private ProfileHigh Profile Rank9 Years on Steam
"The Badge-King of the Wold"
Received from BerufsZocker High Profile Rank12 Years on Steam
"Master of the badges, including but not limited to foils."
Received from Jeplar Private ProfileHigh Profile Value7 Years on Steam
"Lets Go Blyetttt"
Received from Mec'' Private Profile4 Years on Steam
"BADGES ARE ALWAYS BETTER THAN LEVEL! you are one of my idols!"
Received from SevenV7 High Profile Rank17 Years on Steam
"The real master of Steam Badges!"
Received from SgtFopper™ Private ProfileHigh Profile Value15 Years on Steam
"He scam my friend :("
Given to Gizmo 20 Years on Steam
"Top badge hunter! :)"
Given to BerufsZocker 12 Years on Steam
"Excellent Friend!"
Given to SgtFopper™ Private Profile15 Years on Steam
"Excellent trader!"
Given to SevenV7 17 Years on Steam