7 years on Steam
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VAC Status: OK
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Steam Community Status: OK
Steam Market Status: OK
SteamRep: OK
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Steam ID: 76561198439040048
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Last Steam Ladder Login: >2 months ago
Devein 03 Apr 2019
"good player and trader"
Received from Goldgrabber High Profile Value15 Years on Steam
"Amazing trader and a good friend."
Received from krishtian High Profile Value13 Years on Steam
"good trader"
Received from Legitti High Profile Value14 Years on Steam
"good girl and best trader"
Received from Raputin High Profile Value11 Years on Steam
"good trader and a good and honest friend"
Received from OFEN™ High Profile Value7 Years on Steam
"Good trader"
Given to vitasha 11 Years on Steam
"+ REP.Good trader"
Given to Legitti 14 Years on Steam
"the good friend"
Given to 👽 Wallbérg Private Profile13 Years on Steam
"+ rep"
Given to Movavi 6 Years on Steam
Given to redhat 14 Years on Steam
Given to Рыжая Лисичка 10 Years on Steam
"a good person=)"
Given to djagernoutsuper 13 Years on Steam
Given to daggerer 15 Years on Steam
"When you write, I start to smile"
Given to Violent Daimyo 10 Years on Steam
Given to Eefrit Private Profile17 Years on Steam
"Well you're my big brother"
Given to Wolchar 12 Years on Steam
"Honest guy. And a great friend"
Given to Raputin 11 Years on Steam
"Good Friend"
Given to SimVoL 13 Years on Steam
Given to WAAAAAAAAGH 8 Years on Steam
"One of the most favorite friends in steam"
Given to 🍀Lucky🍀 16 Years on Steam
"Cool guy"
Given to Goldgrabber 15 Years on Steam
"The most honest person in steam"
Given to FoboSs 11 Years on Steam
"A great friend and a good trader"
Given to krishtian 13 Years on Steam
"wonderful friend"
Given to grobellar 14 Years on Steam
"Good friend"
Given to KBECTOMAH 7 Years on Steam
"a promising developer"
Given to IDALGAME Private Profile10 Years on Steam
"A great friend"
Given to casueasar 8 Years on Steam
"Talented writer"
Given to JEW 12 Years on Steam
"A good friend who has proven that he values people he calls friends"
Given to Maksar Private Profile14 Years on Steam
"TOP curator!"
Given to Rina Sav Private Profile9 Years on Steam
"a talented curator and a great person"
Given to Mihailovich 9 Years on Steam
"A good trader, a positive conversationalist and a great friend"
Given to OFEN™ 7 Years on Steam