SteamLadder Community Moderator
7 years on Steam
Medium Profile Value
Unverified Discord
Private Friendlist
VAC Status: OK
Game Status: OK
Steam Community Status: OK
Steam Market Status: OK
SteamRep: OK
Steam Status:

Steam ID: 76561198409550159
Steam URL: https://steamcommunity.com/id/AraGoetia/
Last Steam Ladder Login: >2 months ago
Ara 26 Sep 2020
Arashi 04 Nov 2020
Ξ ᐯ Λ 27 Dec 2020
Genoseid 12 Jan 2021
Araskaya 05 Feb 2021
Murasaki 06 Feb 2021
Lumine 22 Feb 2021
✧₊⁎〜Lumi Lumi Nee〜⁎ 09 Mar 2021
Lumi Lumi☆Dazzling Night 12 Mar 2021
✨ 𝓛𝓾𝓶𝓲 ✨ 16 Mar 2021
✨ Luminé ✨ 05 Apr 2021
Lumi 15 Apr 2021
⭐ 𝓛𝓾𝓶𝓲 ⭐ 15 Apr 2021
♔ L u m i ♔ 03 May 2021
♔ 𝙻𝚞𝚖𝚒 ♔ 05 May 2021
Airza 16 May 2021
Airza エルザ 18 May 2021
Aerza 19 May 2021
Arashi Aragami 05 Jul 2021
Minty 30 Sep 2021
Sundae 08 Oct 2021
Aragami 23 Oct 2021
QTπ 02 Dec 2021
Teri Teri Bozu 15 Dec 2021
Mio 21 May 2022
Eva 11 Sep 2022
Kusanali 04 Jul 2022
Nihilida 14 Jul 2022
Vix 16 Jul 2022
Ara Qalli 02 Aug 2022
Filia 11 Jul 2023
▲ 𝓩𝓔𝓡𝓞 ▽ 24 Dec 2023
★ Lumi ★ 02 Oct 2023
▲ Ara ▽ 24 May 2024
✿ Λ ᖇ Λ ❀ 12 Aug 2024
Merideth 23 Apr 2023
Received from 󠀡󠀡EnzuQQ Private ProfileHigh Profile Value0 Years on Steam
"Scary Demon Lady"
Received from Steggs 12 Years on Steam
Received from Silent 6 Years on Steam
"Watching you mature the last few years has been a privilege & pleasure. <3"
Received from WoogieMonsutā Private ProfileHigh Profile Rank16 Years on Steam
"When 50 Character limit doesn't enough, Nice person <3"
Received from Albatroza High Profile Value12 Years on Steam
"+rep nice artwork"
Received from ★Mashi Private Profile9 Years on Steam
"Very helpful in the Discord indeed."
Received from ᠌ ⁧⁧Krazes 10 Years on Steam
Received from systematic High Profile Value11 Years on Steam
Received from rat Private ProfileHigh Profile Value11 Years on Steam
"super helpful and polite >_<"
Received from bitcoin Private Profile5 Years on Steam
Received from rat 10 Years on Steam
Received from Legitti High Profile Value14 Years on Steam
Received from ELBARON 8 Years on Steam
Received from > Psychonaut < 9 Years on Steam
"Very friendly :)"
Received from FunkyPigeon High Profile Value4 Years on Steam
"Good German teacher"
Received from Danknanfrog 9 Years on Steam
"Great person, always friendly!"
Received from Seguairi Private ProfileHigh Profile Rank0 Years on Steam
Received from i have mental issues 7 Years on Steam
Received from huskycorgi 6 Years on Steam
"great person to talk with"
Received from Duck High Profile Rank9 Years on Steam
"You are the epitome of a good person. Stay like you are c:"
Received from Munin StaffHigh Profile Value9 Years on Steam
"+rep A cutie <3"
Received from Berserkir Private ProfileHigh Profile Value11 Years on Steam
"Good person B)"
Received from Jeplar Private ProfileHigh Profile Value8 Years on Steam
"Friendly :)"
Received from Nico High Profile Value9 Years on Steam
Received from STIGPING High Profile Value10 Years on Steam
Received from Ex! Private Profile12 Years on Steam
Received from キツネさん High Profile Value10 Years on Steam
Received from P Private Profile21 Years on Steam
"friendly person | ok"
Received from LogicMist 8 Years on Steam
Received from bLadie 6 Years on Steam
"Very friendly. kind person :D"
Received from Ayylmao1911 High Profile Value9 Years on Steam
Received from Kaidan Jericho Private ProfileHigh Profile Value14 Years on Steam
"Basic troll"
Given to Karate Kong Private Profile11 Years on Steam
"User left a racist comment on my profile ( https://prnt.sc/14gn1vr )"
Given to Lucifer Private Profile10 Years on Steam
"Misusing the rep system"
Given to ♀ Rock N Roll ♀ 7 Years on Steam
"Helped me to translate a guide to Russian language."
Given to Yamaha 17 Years on Steam
"Tried to start drama in Epic Games Sucks group"
Given to Frantsuzhan 21 Years on Steam
"Tried to start drama in Epic Games Sucks group"
Given to allanairmaxx 17 Years on Steam
"Tried to start drama on my profile"
Given to ᛕᚤᛚⰓᛁᚹ ᛜ'ᛟᛋᛖ 14 Years on Steam
"Very helpful and polite, helped me with translating guides to Portuguese."
Given to Opium Honey Private Profile16 Years on Steam
"Friendly, polite, great conversationalist."
Given to ᠌ ⁧⁧Krazes 10 Years on Steam
"Trustworthy guy, writes detailed and objective announcements"
Given to Caledonia Private Profile11 Years on Steam
"Based af, also fun to hang out with in VC"
Given to Competizione 13 Years on Steam
"Based, stands his ground for his views"
Given to MADWACZ 9 Years on Steam
"He was the French moderator on Steam forums, very kind and fair"
Given to Fox 15 Years on Steam
"Lazy leech who believes “true communism has never been tried”"
Given to Nep Private Profile10 Years on Steam
"A credible and reliable translator, very nice to work with!"
Given to Ryo567 15 Years on Steam
"Good sense of humor"
Given to Danknanfrog 9 Years on Steam
"Cool dude 👌"
Given to FunkyPigeon 4 Years on Steam
"Social justice warrior who virtue signals on the forums"
Given to Cleverhardy (She/Her) 9 Years on Steam
"Funny and sassy, with a wicked attitude"
Given to ᚠᚱᛟᚵᚵᚤ (Froggy) Private Profile16 Years on Steam
"A lot of users hate him, but he knows his stuff."
Given to KillahInstinct Steam Community Moderator21 Years on Steam
"Plays shooter games like a boss"
Given to ☠ Jordan ☠ Private Profile18 Years on Steam
"Faked having cancer in his review just to farm Steam awards."
Given to Square Penix 10 Years on Steam
"Toxic shill"
Given to {(')} 21 Years on Steam
"A caring friend with a creative flair"
Given to DeadlyDialga 11 Years on Steam
"A loyal friend who stands for justice"
Given to Windfall Private Profile8 Years on Steam
"Nice alt"
Given to StiGGe Private Profile4 Years on Steam
"Anti-consumer shill who spreads misinformation"
Given to Rose 16 Years on Steam
"User is toxic, constantly insults others on the forums, and openly shills."
Given to Loki Private Profile20 Years on Steam
"Really nice person to chat with ^^"
Given to Seguairi Private Profile0 Years on Steam
"There is no us without you"
Given to Rabscuttle Private Profile0 Years on Steam
"This guy is a creep, was harassing female users in DM"
Given to ꧁ღ༺ StiGGe ༻ღ꧂ Private Profile13 Years on Steam
"Genuinely friendly and helpful guy, trustworthy and reliable."
Given to Munin Staff9 Years on Steam
"Really sweet person, chill as well"
Given to 八重瑞觅 8 Years on Steam
"Pretty chill dude"
Given to Albatroza 12 Years on Steam
"Knew her for a few years; she always calls out catfishes"
Given to (N☆G) Jackal ★JJ★ 20 Years on Steam
"Knew this guy since a few years ago, he’s honest and straightforward."
Given to WoogieMonsutā Private Profile16 Years on Steam
"Friendly person to chat with"
Given to Duck 9 Years on Steam
"rats are cool"
Given to rat Private Profile11 Years on Steam
"Chill person, fun to chat with"
Given to Jeplar Private Profile8 Years on Steam
"Friendly person, nice to chat with"
Given to Berserkir Private Profile11 Years on Steam
"Friendly and nice to chat with"
Given to Nico 9 Years on Steam
"Friendly person on SL Discord"
Given to Ex! Private Profile12 Years on Steam
Given to P Private Profile21 Years on Steam
"Good conversationalist, speaks their mind"
Given to キツネさん 10 Years on Steam
"Very friendly person"
Given to LogicMist 8 Years on Steam
"Chill dude, have a nice day 👋"
Given to Klear 6 Years on Steam
"Friendly guy, nice to talk to"
Given to eWOOD 10 Years on Steam
"Friendly and welcoming on the Steam Ladder Discord"
Given to Ayylmao1911 9 Years on Steam
info_outline Rejected Report: "This user is impersonating a well-known user in the community."
Given to NASTY JOK3R 12 Years on Steam
"The admin of the Steam group “Epic Games Sucks”"
Given to Kaidan Jericho Private Profile14 Years on Steam