21 Aug 2024
  • Reached Level
  • trending_up Worldwide XP rank changed from #717,072 to #613,999
01 Jul 2024
  • trending_down Worldwide XP rank changed from #697,931 to #717,072
  • trending_down Worldwide Games rank changed from #372,552 to #384,422
13 Jun 2024
  • 9 years on Steam
13 Apr 2024
  • trending_up Worldwide Playtime rank changed from #336,404 to #327,353
  • Changed Steam name from Mincecore & Footjob to budgrind
13 Mar 2024
  • warning trending_up Worldwide Playtime rank changed from #399,714 to #336,404
  • Changed Steam name from Goregrinder to Mincecore & Footjob
24 Feb 2024