11 years on Steam
Unverified Discord
Private Friendlist
VAC Status: OK
Game Status: OK
Steam Community Status: OK
Steam Market Status: OK
SteamRep: OK
Steam Status:

Steam ID: 76561198079256631
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Last Steam Ladder Login: Never
lincoln 25 Apr 2019
Mao Guydong 05 Jul 2019
emperor palpatine 05 Nov 2019
Rassilon 20 Dec 2019
Darth Sidious 25 Dec 2019
kingkae 11 Jan 2020
Keanu revan 15 Feb 2020
Johnny 29 Jul 2020
Guyramon The white 03 Sep 2020
Freezing Guy 17 Oct 2020
Phaidor 01 Jan 2021
Death 07 Jan 2021
Super Nature Wizard 24 Mar 2021
King of the britons 08 Apr 2021
Kingofthebritons 11 Jun 2021
The Guy who laughs 18 Feb 2022
chiang Guy shrek 01 Jun 2023
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