11 years on Steam
Medium Profile Value
Unverified Discord
Public Friendlist
VAC Status: OK
Game Status: OK
Steam Community Status: OK
Steam Market Status: OK
SteamRep: OK
Steam Status:

Steam ID: 76561198078780040
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Last Steam Ladder Login: Never
Yayx lft hl mid/high 08 Feb 2020
Yayx 10 Feb 2020
the sniper prodigy 19 Feb 2020
Shotta flow 18 Mar 2021
happy accident 23 Mar 2021
Maty 19 Apr 2021
Hérakleitos 18 Dec 2021
La Rata 10 Mar 2022
aa 31 May 2023
temna pica 02 Dec 2023
mateo 18 Jan 2024
the youngest trillionaire 27 Feb 2023
matt 11 Sep 2024
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