12 years on Steam
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VAC Status: OK
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Steam ID: 76561198052667676
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Last Steam Ladder Login: Never
909 03 May 2019
sea wont exist by ww3 28 May 2019
Lucifer Morningstar 04 Jun 2019
Spirit of God 25 Jun 2019 30 Jun 2019
Aeon 05 Jul 2019
Lord save you 29 Jul 2019
pigshit asians = allchatmuted 16 Sep 2019
God's gonna cut you down 15 Oct 2019
take flight 31 Oct 2019
comfortably numb 04 Nov 2019
my teams fucking shit(positive) 15 Dec 2019
505 25 Dec 2019
stfu and let me play my game 26 Jan 2020
Lux Aeterna 05 Mar 2020
back to the basics 13 Apr 2020
fucked your girl better piggies 09 May 2020
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