15 years on Steam
Unverified Discord
Private Friendlist
VAC Status: OK
Game Status: OK
Steam Community Status: OK
Steam Market Status: OK
SteamRep: OK
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Steam ID: 76561198010230351
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Last Steam Ladder Login: Never
aw frick 05 Nov 2019
belligerence 10 Nov 2019
Ṟᴱᶠᶉᴬᶝʈɨȭɴ˚˟˚ 01 Dec 2019
acedia 23 Dec 2019
gnawing 07 Feb 2020
ohshitohgodohfuckwhatinthehell 15 Feb 2020
hm 16 Feb 2020
cute 29 Mar 2020
STARRY 09 May 2020
arf 28 May 2020
donut 02 Sep 2020
adrift in the Dairy Shop 01 Oct 2020
Dairy Shop despondency 29 Oct 2020
Alis Volat Propriis 15 Dec 2020
Bepp 13 Mar 2021
dairy shop attendant 26 May 2021
dairy shop disconcertion 26 Aug 2021
stuck in the dairy shop 10 Sep 2021
Monochromatic Dairy Shop 17 Oct 2021
Zoey! 29 Nov 2021
gay opossum (Zoey) 30 Apr 2023
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