16 years on Steam
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VAC Status: OK
Game Status: OK
Steam Community Status: OK
Steam Market Status: OK
SteamRep: OK
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Steam ID: 76561198006648874
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Last Steam Ladder Login: >2 months ago
Klumb3r 22 Aug 2017
¡Klumb3r! 10 Sep 2017
"Nice guy! qué agradable sujeto"
Received from Dídac 10 Years on Steam
"Best fan in cars"
Received from JuanSeLOL High Profile Value11 Years on Steam
"+10 por apañar en las trampas"
Received from Coldmixo High Profile Value15 Years on Steam
"Nice Guy!"
Received from Amadeo 5 Years on Steam
"A very friendly Steam fellow! :)"
Received from SgtFopper™ High Profile Value16 Years on Steam
"Nice guy!"
Given to Dídac 10 Years on Steam
"Nice guy!"
Given to SuperLoki 10 Years on Steam
"Nice guy!"
Given to Coldmixo 15 Years on Steam
"Nice guy"
Given to SgtFopper™ 16 Years on Steam
"nice guy!"
Given to Amadeo 5 Years on Steam
Given to Macnex 11 Years on Steam
Given to JuanSeLOL 11 Years on Steam