16 years on Steam
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VAC Status: OK
Game Status: OK
Steam Community Status: OK
Steam Market Status: OK
SteamRep: OK
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Steam ID: 76561198006584703
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Last Steam Ladder Login: >2 months ago
Ojisan Kukkī 21 Aug 2017
WoogieMonsutā 08 Dec 2017
Monsutā Kukkī 01 Feb 2018
Kukkī Monsutā 07 Mar 2018
""Heretics crave the cleansing fire of absolution." +Rep"
Received from Berserkir Private ProfileHigh Profile Value11 Years on Steam
"Chill guy, always good to talk to!"
Received from Jeplar Private ProfileHigh Profile Value8 Years on Steam
"Great guy, I enjoyed his convos a lot while I'm busy."
Received from Seguairi Private ProfileHigh Profile Rank0 Years on Steam
"an interesting and a nice fellow to have a few convos"
Received from LogicMist 7 Years on Steam
Received from 💖 NEK0 💖 9 Years on Steam
"Likes some cool racing games!"
Received from キツネさん High Profile Value10 Years on Steam
"inside good outside bad"
Received from rat Private ProfileHigh Profile Value11 Years on Steam
"Knew this guy since a few years ago, he’s honest and straightforward."
Received from ✿ Λ ᖇ Λ ❀ SteamLadder Community ModeratorPrivate Profile7 Years on Steam
"Based fella. Anti-EGS af."
Received from Kaidan Jericho Private ProfileHigh Profile Value0 Years on Steam
Received from STIGPING High Profile Value10 Years on Steam
"( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)"
Received from TheLegend27 Private ProfileHigh Profile Value9 Years on Steam
"Mommy! Momma! Mama! Mum! Mom! Mumsy! Momma! Mom! Mommy! Mama! Mom! MOM! Hi."
Given to Berserkir Private Profile11 Years on Steam
"You'll be sad one day: that day, I hope your random kindness returns x100."
Given to Seguairi Private Profile0 Years on Steam
"Stranger who tried to prevent my breakdown. Maybe if we met sooner."
Given to Redmund Staff12 Years on Steam
"I always confuse you with Werty, don't tell him but I like you a lot more."
Given to Duck 9 Years on Steam
"I always confuse you with Cow, don't tell him but I like you a lot more."
Given to HeyItzWerty Staff9 Years on Steam
"Hardship can fuel Strength. Use it. Be better than me."
Given to rat Private Profile11 Years on Steam
"If memory serves, my 1st facepalm on SL was at you. Glad you fit in now :)"
Given to LogicMist 7 Years on Steam
"Ever helpful, calm & thoughtful in times I'd rather just choke someone. BZ"
Given to Munin Staff9 Years on Steam
"Watching you mature the last few years has been a privilege & pleasure. <3"
Given to ✿ Λ ᖇ Λ ❀ SteamLadder Community ModeratorPrivate Profile7 Years on Steam