Level Up On Steam Level Up On Steam
20 years on Steam
High Profile Value
Unverified Discord
Public Friendlist
VAC Status: OK
Game Status: OK
Steam Community Status: OK
Steam Market Status: OK
SteamRep: OK
Steam Status:

Steam ID: 76561197964247435
Steam URL: https://steamcommunity.com/id/daftpunkee/
Last Steam Ladder Login: Recent
Rex 13 May 2020
Stan Jr 08 Oct 2020
CT-7567 "Rex" 26 Oct 2020
Stan Jr aka "Rex" 18 Nov 2020
Stan 21 Dec 2020
Fersooo 08 Aug 2022
SL 13 Jul 2022
DarkStalker 13 Oct 2023
Received from Silent 5 Years on Steam
"Muy confiable 😎👍, siempre ayuda a la comunidad"
Received from Brahim High Profile Value8 Years on Steam
"Gran mentor de la comunidad"
Received from 𝑪𝑹𝑨𝒁𝒀𝟓𝟔 10 Years on Steam
"+rep TOP LATAM"
Received from ♥ FranZixX ♥ High Profile Value4 Years on Steam
"Leyenda Steam México"
Received from Rex High Profile Value7 Years on Steam
"Cute profile, orgullo mexicano 😼"
Received from Retr0 5 Years on Steam
"Excelente Amigo y Persona"
Given to NϟCOL么S亗MB11🦅🔥 3 Years on Steam
"Excelente persona y amigo"
Given to N𝚎𝚘L𝚊𝚝𝚒𝚗o¹ 7 Years on Steam
"extraordinario trader - muy honesto"
Given to ♥ FranZixX ♥ 4 Years on Steam
"Steam Keys Trader and great Friend"
Given to Brahim 8 Years on Steam
Given to Gree 7 Years on Steam
"Mentor +1"
Given to LeChuck ☠️ kordivan 10 Years on Steam
"Excellent Dinosaur Profile"
Given to Rex 7 Years on Steam
"Main Owner & Admin Steam Mexico"
Given to RafaTech 14 Years on Steam
"Rank 5 Ladder Mexico"
Given to Timetravell3r 12 Years on Steam
"Rank 3 Ladder Mexico"
Given to Melody Private Profile16 Years on Steam
"Rank 2 Ladder México"
Given to Dharius 10 Years on Steam
"Rank 1 Ladder México"
Given to Solid - RTX 14 Years on Steam
"Viva México"
Given to Retr0 5 Years on Steam